Brooke’s Life Quotes
Compiled 7 July 2012, Age 17
“Order Yourself to be Valiant”
“I am Brooke Folkman, and I am a Daughter of God, of a King. The King of the Universe. And I am His daughter, and He loves me. And he Loves YOU. There is nothing you could ever do to diminish or change his perfect love. ”
“No matter who you are… No matter where you are… No matter what has happened to you in your life… You are NEVER Alone. Pray, Someone’s listening”
“ The raging love from my heart is like the heat of a thousand fires. Always growing bigger, always getting stronger. Once the fire has been lit, it carries onward, nothing stopping it from continuing forth into the plains of time.”
“Anything that you resent and strongly react to in another is also in you”
“The scriptures truly have buoyed me up and made me want to be So Good and Shine So Bright that one day I may have the Light of Christ Shine through my Face”
“Believe in Yourself”
“When we put our trust in the Lord our God and have faith, then even though we go through trials, we will be supported through them and get through them”
“It is by growing old that one learns to remain young.”
“If you think you are old, you will be and if you think you are young, you will be young, happy and healthy.”
“Insecurity breeds insecurity”
“Breathe the heat and charred stones out of my chest and thrust them upon the ground. Break every promise and disconnect every bond made like snapping a twig from a tree, one at a time – Leave me here, alone, cold, fragile, and never look back”
“You are what you choose to be.”
“You only have one life, and you live it as you believe it, and then it is gone.” This is so true, we make our life what it is, and the choices we make today shape our future. How often do we feel down-trodden, lost, feel as if we have no idea why we are on this earth, and have no clue what the purpose of our life is. ”
“The time to be strongest is in your weakest moment.”
“Life is like chocolate, the harder you work for it, the better it tastes.”
“I’m not gonna give up on you, but as soon as you give up on yourself, there’s nothing more I can do.”
“Determination is a very powerful thing, even so, that once you are determined to get something, nothing can get in your way. This is both good and bad, depending on how you use determination. It’s your life, it’s your choice, it’s your happiness vs. your despair.”
“Words are by far the strongest force on this earth. They can either make or break, build or destroy, heal or hurt. It’s all up to you, on what you want to be remembered as. It’s your life, it’s your choice, it’s your happiness vs. your despair.”
“Life is meant to be happy, full of joy, full of learning and knowledge, full of love. If you have hate in your heart, feel anger and stop progressing both in physical knowledge and spiritual knowledge, then are you really living life? It’s your life, it’s your choice, it’s your happiness vs. your despair.”
“Brooke Folkman…There’s nothing you can’t do.”
“Laugh like there’s no tomorrow.”
“The only thing that needs to be changed is your perspective”
“By becoming lost, you find your true self.”
“Contradicting is not judging. I do not judge people.”
“Even the smallest light can be seen in a dark room.”
“Free us from the chains of death and Hell and let us break forth into a chorus of Love.”
“God keeps ALL his promises.”