The Pamphlet

8 April 2014, Age 18

“Today when I went to therapy, something really amazing and powerful and maybe even life or perception changing (to say the least) happened. I walked in, I was wearing yoga pants that only went to my knees, so you could see my tattoo and scars from cutting. The girl sitting on a chair next to me then got up and went to a table and started writing on a pamphlet. She came and sat back down next to me. She was probably my same age. When I was about to walk into therapy, she handed me this pamphlet. “Here this is for you.” I took it and said, “Thanks.” Once I got into the room and sat down on the couch, I read it. It said:

“I know this is a pamphlet, but you are beautiful okay?

You and I both are worth more than our scars ever will be. 

I Love you. Stay Strong. -  The girl that sat next to you on your right in the corner (Sheree).”

Although this may seem like just a random note to some people, it meant the world to me. I wish I could have thanked her in person after I read. I wish I could have told her how much it meant to me, told her that I loved her too, told her that she changed my perception of everything, and possibly may have saved my life by changing my perception. Thank you Sheree, so much. You never know what a simple act of kindness or encouraging word could do for someone. I’ve been thinking a lot about that note today. How could a random stranger tell me that they loved me, when I don't even really know if I love myself. Or at least I didn’t know… but now after pondering, I think I can finally say after all these years that I do  love myself and everything that comes with. My pains, my heartache, my scars, my brokenness, my mistakes, my shortcomings, my sorrows - the things that I have done and the things that others have done to me. It is all a part of me. And that’s why I Love it. Because I am Brooke Folkman, and I am a daughter of God, of a King. The King of the Universe. And I am His daughter, and He loves me. And he Loves YOU. There is nothing you could ever do to diminish or change his perfect love. The person I am today has been through much, learned much, suffered much, but also felt much Joy. And I would not change a single thing in my life if I thought it would change the person who I am today. This girl inspired me and made me realize our power as human beings to connect with and love one another. The power of words. The power of Love, that even though she had no idea who I was or what I have been through. Even though we had never even talked before. That she could say that she Loved me and tell me that I have worth. 


We all carry scars along with us in life. Some deeper and more noticeable than others and we don’t only wear physical scars on our bodies, but emotional and mental scars impressed in our souls and in our minds. But no matter how many or how bad the scars are, you are worth more than they ever will be.

 Stay Strong Brooke. The journey may get rough, you may want to give up, but you can’t. You need to make a difference in this world. And I believe with all my heart that you can. I love you. Your princess soul is inside you, sitting here with you right now. She loves you. She knows God. She knows her Father. You are closer to Him and to her than you think. I can feel her hugging me from the inside. This perfect and beautiful spirit trapped in this fragile body for a short time and one day you and she will be one. Combined together forever and stronger than ever. Live every single moment to the fullest. Do things you love, spend as much time as you can with your family. They are your best friends and love you more than you know. And I love you more than words can express.”

– Brooke


He Is There


Eternal Destiny