Healing Through Christ

18 June 2010, Age 15

“I would like to write down my testimony, so that as I look back on it when trials come my way, I will realize that the church will be just as true then as it is now. I bear my testimony that I know this church is true, and that the atonement is a real event that took place and an event that we need to use in our daily lives to repent and be forgiven. Our brother, Jesus Christ, made it possible for us to live with him and our father in heaven through this atonement. As our brother and our savior, kneeling willingly down to the ground and being left completely and utterly alone. Drops of blood from every pore of his body for us and going lower than the lowest. Being taken by mean soldiers who whipped him, spat on him, mocked him, and put a crown of thorns upon his head. 

How could someone so perfect go through this, when all he ever tried to do was save us. After all of this he was forced to carry his own cross till he fell to the ground and could no more. Then he was taken to a hill and had his hands and feet nailed to this cross and he was hung up to die. The most perfect, loving person ever to walk the earth, went through this because he loved us. Because he was merciful and wanted to give us another chance. And every time I sin and feel so horrid after, I think of our brother suffering for me, because of His great love. And thinking how horrible I feel after I sin, then thinking that times billions. He took on all sins of all the world, and it was all for you and me. With His stripes and pain we are healed. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. “


Letter From God


Moving To California